7М06103 Software engineering

7М06 Information and communication technologies(Field of education)
7М061 Information and communication technologies(Direction of training)
M094 Information Technology(Group of Educational Programs)

OP goal:

Preparation of competitive, highly qualified specialists ready to solve scientific and production problems in professional activities,  modern conditions based on the development of skills and abilities necessary for a future specialist, including teaching activities.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • demonstrates developing knowledge of the scientific worldview, history and philosophy of science;

  • improves and develops intellectual and analytical abilities, forms a culture of scientific thinking, uses literary, business written and oral speech in the state and foreign languages;

  • capable of generalization, analysis, critical understanding, systematization, forecasting when setting goals in the field of professional activity, developing creative work skills and applying modern methods of conducting scientific research and experiments ;

  • applies knowledge of the fundamentals of higher education pedagogy and introduces innovative and interactive teaching methods into the educational process;

  • conducts scientific research, complex experiments and observations using analytical and numerical methods, interprets research data to solve scientific and practical problems in the field of software engineering;

  • applies methods and means of cognition, modern digital software technologies, theoretical knowledge, principles and design methods in the development and implementation of cost-effective software engineering systems;

  • conducts scientific research, complex experiments and observations using analytical and numerical methods, interprets research data to solve scientific and practical problems in the field of software engineering;

  • develops plans and programs for organizing innovative activities, evaluates the technical and economic efficiency of research and design of modern information systems.

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